Jazz Festivals Guide

Event Sort descending City State/Region Country Event Month
JFly Music Festival Waycross Georgia USA SEP
John Coltrane International Jazz & Blues Festival High Point North Carolina USA AUG
John Scofield Trio Ridgefield Connecticut USA OCT
Joshua Redman Group Ridgefield Connecticut USA NOV
Julian Lage Ridgefield Connecticut USA MAR
Kalottjazz & Blues Festival Tornio / Haparanda Finland / Sweden JUN
Kathmandu Jazz Festival Kathmandu Surya Nepal NOV
Kaunas Jazz Festival Kaunas Lithuania SEP
Kenny G Ridgefield Connecticut USA JUN
Keystone Wine & Jazz Festival Keystone Colorado USA JUN
kL International Jazz Festival Kuala Lumpar Malaysia SEP
Kongsberg Jazz Festival Kongsberg Norway JUL
Kyle Turner & Friends with Jeanette Harris, Michael Ward, Pamela Hart Austin Texas USA SEP
La Cantera Jazz Concert Series San Antonio Texas USA Periodically
Ladies of Smooth Jazz Austin Texas USA JUN
Lagos International Jazz Festival Lagos Nigeria APR
Lake Arbor Jazz Festival Lake Arbor Maryland USA JUL
Lake Breeze Music Festival St Joseph Lake Michigan USA JUL
Lake George Jazz Weekend Lake George New York USA SEP
Lansing Jazz Fest Lansing Michigan USA AUG
Las Vegas City of Lights Jazz and R&B Festival Las Vegas Nevada USA APR
Leipzig Jazz Days Leipzig Deleware Germany OCT
Leverkusener JazzTage Dresden Germany NOV
Life Luxe Experience San Jose del Cabo Mexico NOV
Live Jazz on the Seawall Galveston Texas USA NOV