Jeff Logan
Jeff Logan
Jeff Logan
Jeff Logan
Jeff Logan
Jeff Logan
Jeff Logan
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy composing music?

For me, it’s beyond a 1-10 scale because it rates as a 20 because I totally lose myself when I’m composing music. I have literally worked on a musical composition for at least 6-8 hours, at times, but it felt like I only worked for a couple of hours. I've come to realize that the process of creating and fine-tuning a song can really figuratively transport me to a really cool place.

Who would you say has been the single biggest influence in your life in getting you to where you are now in your career?

That's a question for me that has more than one answer.  I'd have to thank my junior high school and senior high school music teachers, Mr. William Charles Brown and Mr. Leonard Moses respectively; however, without question, the singularly most influential person that has positively affected every aspect of getting me to this musical level (2023-to current date) is musical genius and icon, Paul Brown.  His musical "IQ" is superlative in every sense of the definition of music genius.

What inspires you to do what you do?

I am inspired by everything that I have previously experienced in life and everything I am currently experiencing, whether that be love found and loves lost; extreme exhilaration and profound hurt and regret, and infinite hope. All of these myriad emotions and feelings contribute to my song composition inspiration.  I really do attempt to pour my soul into my music because it is cathartic for me and allows me to purge, in a constructive way.

What elements do you look for in a song that makes it especially satisfying for you to perform?

I am intrinsically drawn to harmonies and melody set to whatever is rhythmically occurring in the song.  I think it was Quincy Jones who first said, "...ear candy"?  For me, creating music that is sweet to the ear of the listener is quite a satisfying feeling and rush.  I know beautifully composed music has always had such an acute affect on me my entire life and the harmony and melody are the drivers for a road of eargasms and ecstasy.

How did your new album/single and overall concept for it come about?.

I actually had an idea, for this concept album-INDIGO", during 2022. All I knew was I wanted to create a cool smooth jazz vibe of melodies, incorporated into each song, that would accentuate a feeling and sensibility of coolness, harmony, and reflection like the harlequin faces (happy versus sad).  I also knew I wanted the listener to be drawn in to let go and become vulnerable to each composition.

What would you define as the most life-changing event so far in your musical career?

Forming a musical connection and now friendship and being mentored by Paul Brown, singularly, is a once-in-a-lifetime defining and profound connection.  Facts...say less.  Hands-down, he has imparted a lot of wisdom my way and I've been humbled by his willingness to candidly share his perspective as well as his gifts.  I cannot say enough good things about Paul.